Jerald Wilks

Full Stack Developer

I am a capable and effective leader with a track record of bringing people together to work well as a team. I can swiftly adjust to new situations and provide value thanks to my aptitude for learning new systems. My strong systems and critical thinking abilities allow me to see the big picture and make sure that each assignment is furthering the broader goal. I look forward to the next steps of establishing a career in software development.

Skills & Tech

Some of the skills I've picked up along the way.

  • JavaScript
  • ReactJS
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • Git
  • MongoDB
  • ExpressJS
  • Agile Methodologies
  • Critical Thinking
  • Trouble Shooting
  • Leadership & Training
  • Appreciation of Good Coffee


Here are a few of the projects I've worked on while refining my development skills.

Project 3 - Indeygo Fundraising

Designed and developed full stack application working with local fundraising company. Key contributor to the team in uncovering business needs and processes during weekly meetings with product owner and daily scrums. Application developed with MERN stack and BcryptJS for authentication. This application was developed to integrate disparate workflows for the client into a unified solution. (Site needed to be taken offline as it was taking google traffic from client's primary site)

Project 2 - YYC Local Art

Designed and developed interactive full stack web app, educating Calgarians and art lovers. Drawing data from the city, plotting locations on a map and allowing users to select sites of interest and create a walking tour of these sites.

Project 1 - Backend API

Proof of concept, strictly backend project, showing simplified inventory and sales API. Utilized OpenAPI to create documentation and test interface.

Contact Me

Want to talk about a job? Go for a coffee? Exchange notes? Send me an email: